Chapters in Life
I found this quote especially helpful when working with clients that are in a chapter of their story that is hectic, unfortunate, busy, or just not their favorite chapter. Here are a couple of suggestions I give clients to help them move to the next chapter.
So important to allow people to help you. Now is not the time to be strong. You will have so many people say to you, “let me know if there is anything I can do to help.” Right, we have all heard this. They want to help, let them.
Write everything down. Get a notebook, scraps of paper in a folder, anything you can take with you and keep handy. When you jot down a note, make sure you put the date at the top. This can be tedious at first, but I promise I have seen this help many people, save time, and in most cases a lot of money.
Delegate. Many of the items on your list can be done for you by someone else. I tell all my clients your financial advisor, someone in your family or a friend that is familiar with your finances should be your first call. Whatever might be going on, we cannot make it go away, and life may feel a bit out of control, but one area you can control is the financial impact. Devote your energy to your next chapter and let us handle the financial challenges.
Think about how an author writes a story, they have copyeditors, publishers, idea generators, so many people are involved in a book. Life is a story and think about who you need to get through each chapter.