Great plan poor execution
I have been playing a bit of tennis lately so I will start with a tennis analogy. So many times I see a wide open court, know where I want to send the ball, and dump it into the net. Great plan, poor execution. Do you own picture frames that are still sitting without pictures? Something we have all done, bought supplies to organize that are still sitting in the closet, and so is the closet to organize.
Ann Lucus, owner of Ducks in a Row, taught me a great trick that she uses. She comes in and organizes your closets, room, whatever needs help. She leaves with all of the extra stuff, including finding a better home and recycling when possible. She knows that if she leaves stuff behind, it will never leave and worse yet, make its way back into your closet! Ann has a great plan and the execution is complete.
So the next time you tackle a project, know your timeframe and energy level. Start small so you can finish the whole job. Something else I learned, organize and throw away clutter first, then buy your organizing supplies. Think of this as a gift to yourself for all of your hard work.
A financial plan is the same. A great plan is important, however, it is the execution that matters the most. What are the suggestions? Start trusts, hire a new CPA, open IRA’s, all possible outcomes. So if you receive a plan from your financial advisor or have developed one of your own, I can hold you accountable and help you with the execution. If you do not have a plan, I can help you there, or maybe you need help organizing your documents to put the numbers in the plan, I can help you there also.
A great plan and better execution, builds confidence and will preserve wealth. Let me know how I can help.