Some Thoughts About Job Hunting
If you are thinking about switching jobs, or going back to work after leaving the workforce to take care of family, now is a great time. Why? In the middle of a pandemic? Yes, especially now. First, companies have learned giving employees flexibility to work from home, works and actually could be better for both the employer and employee. A virtual workplace has also expanded the opportunity set, you could apply to work for a company based in California. So more opportunities and more flexible hours, think about it.
I love attending networking/information sessions various vendors are hosting. Information is plentiful right now thanks to our new virtual environment. I would encourage you to take advantage of any opportunity to listen to an interesting speaker. Morgan Stanley hosted a discussion on steps to take for Career and Financial Resiliency. If you are interested on the slides from this, I can get them to you. One thought shared was using your volunteer experience to fill in any gaps in your resume. I think about Mom’s that have stayed home, you haven’t been sitting around doing nothing- put that experience on your resume. Also use this experience to bolster your resume, I should have put my time on the Winchester Finance Committee on my resume, don’t forget about board and leadership positions. You might have to take a step back to switch type of job or switch to a job that balances work/family better. That is okay!! Just have a plan, maybe this job is a stepping stone for another or rounds out your experience. Pick a job you like and keeps you busy. I loved serving beer at a friends brew pub! Go for it. If you are thinking about switching roles, going back to work, or even starting your own business, I want to hear from you. If you have some helpful tips or thoughts, I would love to hear those also. Would love to kick off a smaller networking group so we can all help each other out! I can be reached at [email protected]