Why Managing Risk is Important to your Financial Confidence
I love to write down quotes that I hear or read and then steal them! I always though tell people that this isn’t my orginal thought. Here is a good one that I heard
Don’t give someone or something free rent in your head. How true is this. I do this ALL the time, and for a business minded person like myself, I cannot believe I am giving away free rent to of all people, someone or something that bothers me.
I tend to give away free rent when I have taken on too much risk, not enough risk, or the worst unintended risk. I find that if you have taken appropriate risk and things don’t go your way, then you can let it go. I knew the risk and the consequences.
So take a couple minutes, kick out those tenants not paying rent, and invite in better tenants! If you struggle with giving away free rent- let’s chat. I would love to hear from you and help you manage the risk and consequences that are causing you to give away free rent.